It's half past six in the morning. Raindrops could be heard falling in a natural hypotic symphony. And I'm just sitting here. Looking at my notes for my final exam due three and a half hours.
The past four months have been so insanely hectic and tasking that I'm finally feeling the full force of the weariness. Even as I read my notes. In my heart, it's somehow amazing how I am able to wake up nowadays, and the first thing that comes to my mind is inviting in the Holy Spirit into my room, into my day.
Reflecting on how transformed I am now, I just stand mouth agape infront of the mirror, outward appearances can only allow people to see you so much, as for your inward appearance, it goes a long, long way. Eight months back I was a slack and a bum, had bad attitudes, just your normal joe. But God decided it was time for me to learn humility.
"Seek first the kingdom of God and its righteosness and all these shall be added unto you". Noone with pride in their hearts will go seeking, I'd actually want those things to seek me out! haha, yeah that was how i was. Bad huh? "Ask and you shall recieve, seek and you shall find, knock and it will be opened unto you". God's telling us to be humble before Him, with pride, we cannot see the things God has installed for us. People tend to say, Lord where are you? Why have you forsaken me? While its not God that left them, but they that have fallen away from His wonderful grace.
Humility is not easy to learn. Courage, patience and trust was built through a slow and menial series of lessons which God put me through. Each time I learnt something, He struck out something on His "Spring Cleaning" list. How loving is He that would help us get back on track so that we can be with Him? Insane thought huh? Sometimes, God will whisper to us, giving us some outrageous thoughts. Just to see whether we're willing to allow His will to be done or that our pride overcome it with ourselves doubting and holding back.
Our creator, humbled Himself to die for us. Humbled Himself to associate with us. Why can't we answer that humility in return?
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