Monday, February 05, 2007


Be it an interesting one. Random. Embarrassing or just plain funny. They just keep coming. One after another. Like ants. Well, maybe. (If you know what I mean, you know what i mean. Otherwise, go figure.)

Questions bombard me everyday. Challenging, discouraging, tempting, the list goes on and on an on. As though they have a life of their own! Not that I say they're evil or anything of that sort, but they just get out of hand at times. And i don't blame em.

Its times like these, tired and weary - defenseless, when they come. Like a mass of airplanes - all lined up for their bombing run. Think, is all that could be done. One after another, thoughts come, questions - as loud as putting your ear beside a blasting horn - scream through the silence.

I know I'll never hear the end of it.

Oh, that's how I'm wired. Just letting ya'll in on the way I work =P



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