Monday, July 17, 2006

Just Stubborn

Sigh, I guess all of you have those days when, you just can't accept things and always think in your own terms. Sometimes, I just think i should kick myself when i just feel stubborn. However, no matter how people are able to explain certain things, I won't believe it till I actually see it, well you could call it just plain stubborness or I aint a naive person.

I realised some time ago, that being stubborn never brought me anywhere. Just looking at your own perspective may be enough but, missing the whole picture is laffable. Some people just need to learn how to listen. I guess it's one of the simple reasons that God made our ears in such a way that we can't close them, well in the sense where your not using your hands haha.

Learning the hard way, I've noticed that listening isn't bad at all. Considering you learn alot of new stuff and it tends to stimulate your curiousity. Well i suppose that arrogance ties in hand in hand with stubborness, you see how those two words sound so perfect with each other? Arrogance / ego / pride, aren't good traits all across the boards.

Fine, you may get everything your way now. But lets say 5 years down the road, you suffer due to the things you do now. Cause and effect, you can't run away from it. In proverbs, Solomon stresses to his sons to get Wisdom. Always saying that fools will perish. And he's right. Being wise is not all about knowledge, its about discipline and who you are inside.

I can't say that all wise men aren't stubborn. People are stubborn, in one way or another. I guess its something we have to put aside. Which means laying down pride and ego, and it might be a hard thing to do, but I must say that it does make life a whole lot better when your at peace with everyone around you, and with yourself.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Spirituality, In my own words.

Spirituality, whoa, such a deep term. If your honest with yourself, it's not a deep term at all. From some point in life we'd notice that there is that "other world", and many times people are waylaid into the wrong paths. To reach enlightment "one with nothing", serving beings and objects which are supposedly to contain "power". Ask yourself, there would've been a time where you seriously doubted their "power".

When a person dies, it's been said that they lose a tiny part of their weight. Lots of people, who are fast to jump into conclusions say that thats the weight of the spirit. Scientifically, its untrue. They actually either have no idea, or explaination. Thus we all can only assume. However, there are accounts where people have died, or passed on and came back. Each having different stories to tell of their memories of the afterlife, whether they are truths or lies, only the witnesses will know. But we all know for sure. Life after death is real.

Scary I suppose, to say that we're all spirits living in bodily shells, which are physical representations of the real "us" right here on earth. It's as if we're in the Matrix, the difference between that fiction and our reality is just that the only way out, Death. Hence bringing us to the suicide rates which are increasing. People just want a way out. Which in fact is the wrong way. Thinking that we're all spirit and stuff like our physical realm, laws abide, in fact, in everything that you see around you is a law, or system this is the essence of Creation. So, what are these laws, and why do they exist?

Gravity is an eternal law. Whether your on Mars, walking on the Sun, on the moon, anywhere. There is a force that pulls. With one rule, many other rules were created, inertia for example is a law. If your thinking now that the "Big Bang" caused all this. Have you ever asked yourself how could a neutron and proton rotate around an atom? or the laws that govern the axis and rotation? the implementation? Thinking that everything just.. BAM!! and evolved, creating life.. now think again.

As far as time can take us back, people served. Religion, gods, the sky, the trees, the air, the water, the stars, everything under the Sun and beyond was served. Here meaning that they offered servitude, building of temples, offerings, sacrifices, creating laws and regulations of their servitude. All that trouble just to please. Humans serve to please their masters. Thats a fact.

The irony that we can be so, so, blind at times. Where we can't see the actual truth that just lies right in front of us. In front of everything, the simple law which has been divinely entrusted to us. Where all over the world there are witnesses and various accounts but people just turned their blind eye on it.

Being spiritual is not, how "holy" you are, how many good things you have done, what a good human being you are, how tollerant you are. All these are good traits. But sometimes we're all easily decieved by "physical terms" and things that we think might relate to the spiritual.

Imagine. The entire universe being created by just a singular law which was placed first before the continuing with creation. In the bible "God created the heavens and the earth", the setup propelled everything into motion. With the canvas ready, God started painting His picture.

Which brings us back to the topic. Being spiritual is just simple. God cannot tolerate sin. Thats the ultimate law. Humans sin, born with the deadly curse, but by His love, he embraced us and atoned for us. Hence to be spiritual, is to remain out of sin, haha, which is virtually impossible. But, we can always try to.

This, is only but the begining of it...

Thursday, July 06, 2006

A Tribute =)

Considering my own self indecisiveness, I now plan to ask people for topics which i could write upon! Good idea huh? Anyway, this post is dedicated to great 3 people which have changed my life in various ways :)

Now, before I begin, I'll have to advise you readers that the following material is not suitable for minors, so if your aged 18 and below, please have your parents' concent before reading. Thanks.

3 ladies, 3 different opinions, 3 interesting characters, 3 good friends, 3 names: Cheryl, Priscilla, and Rachael.

It was a bad day for me, as my sole source of entertainment, and tool for work went down the drain. My precious computer crashed, think of that as bad luck. But worse yet, I can't read or reformat my pc, leaving me stuck in an odd situation.


I gotta thank God for 3 good souls which made me forget about the whole thing, well it lasted until the end of the day, which was good enough for me. Fun, joy, laughter, yeah they had it all. 3 totally different people, 1 sense of fun.

You guys are great! Thanks a bunch!


I actually wanted to write up some really hillarious stuff that they do. But it seems I just don't have the heart to do it. Guess ya'll have to wait another time. Hehehe. also I'm feelin' tired now that I'm back in the comfort of my room. I'll continue this on my next post so stay tuned! :P

.ps i apologise for my horrible spelling and grammar :P